
Vampire hunt in Prague

Marcel Lanthemann
News: Marcel Lanthemann

The comedy-action film «Blade» emerged as the surprise hit of the year in 1998. Filming of the sequel began on 12 March 2001 under the direction of Guillermo Del Toro. Wesley Snipes and Kris Kristofferson are on the hunt again for survivors!

Vampire hunt in Prague

There are great hopes for the 55 million dollar production. The original grossed 70 Mil. dollars. Hardly anyone in Hollywood had reckoned with such a success. Due to the success of the first movie a rapid sequel was planned. Conceptual difficulties and the departure of Norrington as director delayed production. With the arrival of Del Toro nothing stood in the way any more.

The film crew will be in the Czech capital for 16 weeks. The dark alleyways and mystique of Prague are the ideal backdrop for film director Del Toros. A large part of the movie is shot in the catacombs and passageways. Vampire hunter Blade (Wesley Snipes) penetrates inside a group of blood suckers. In order to fight them he first needs to establish a truce amongst the other vampires. During the course of the story Blade meets up with his one-time mentor Whistler (Kris Kristofferson) who in the meantime can be found stalking the dark alleyways. Tracy Lords is no longer part of «Blade 2» having left the set at a fairly early stage.

Filming of «Blade 2» will continue up until the announced actor strikes in July. The launch of the film is envisaged for summer 2002. It is the second comedy-action film due to appear on our cinema screens next year. In May 2001 the cult classic «Spiderman» will be premiered in the cinemas.

20. April 2001

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