
Angelina Jolie is more influential than William Shakespeare

Constantin Xenakis
News: Constantin Xenakis

For today's youth, Angelina Jolie, Kylie Minogue and David Beckham are more important and influential than Winston Churchill, William Shakespeare and Isaac Newton.

Angelina Jolie is more influential than William Shakespeare

This is what a study by Dr. Charlotte de Backer, a lecturer from the Department of Media and Communication at the University of Leicester, UK, has revealed.

According to de Backer, this new order of things is thanks to the publicity that transforms stars into legends for today's young people. By succeeding to the degree they have, celebrities have become models for millions of people. Which reminds us what John Lennon said about the success of the Beatles in 1966: «We're more popular than Jesus now».

21. Dezember 2007

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