
Record salary for Tom Hanks

Constantin Xenakis
News: Constantin Xenakis

In reprising his role as Dr. Robert Langdon for the sequel to «The Da Vinci Code», Tom Hanks will reportedly set a new salary record.

Record salary for Tom Hanks

Although he was less than convincing as Robert Langdon, religious symbology specialist, in the snooze fest adaptation of «The Da Vinci Code», Tom Hanks will play him again in «Angels & Demons», also a Dan Brown adaptation. This time, the doctor goes after the «Illuminati», a secret society whose aim is to murderously shake up the Vatican.

Hanks is also rumored to have set a new salary record for the movie; although unconfirmed, it is said to be close to $50 million. Also said to be along for the ride this time are Ron Howard in the director's chair, and Brazilian top model Gisèle Bündchen, ex-girlfriend of Leonardo DiCaprio. Shooting is scheduled to begin in Italy in July.

11. April 2007

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