
Katharine Hepburn complains about Hollywood stars

Urban Aregger
News: Urban Aregger

There's a reason why her last official biography wasn't scheduled to come out until after her death: in «Kate Remembered», Katharine Hepburn reveals her true feelings about Hollywood, and stars such as Meryl Streep and Glenn Close don't come off well.

Katharine Hepburn complains about Hollywood stars

Last Friday, the final official biography of recently deceased Katharine Hepburn was published in the US. While she was still alive, Hepburn insisted the book appear only after her death, fearing a backlash from critics and the reaction of those Hollywood stars who get the full brunt of her opinions in the memoir. Meryl Streep and Glenn Close are listed as actors she liked least, and Hepburn had no patience for stars who moaned about how hard their work was: «These actors who complain in interviews about 12 hour days. You sit there for 11 of them!».

17. July 2003

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